Obi-Wan Kenobi says Star Wars

On Wednesday Disney announced the start date of Obi-Wan Kenobi at Disney +. From the 25. May 2022 will appear the episodes in weekly rhythm. The fact that fans are looking forward to a great story, head actor Ewan McGregor now underlined in an interview.


That says Ewan McGregor to Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi

_ "I do not want to reveal too much of the story - but I think it will be very satisfying star-Wars fans. I always felt that it was between Episode 3, where I last time Obi-Wan in the films played and [...] episode 4 has given a story. The authors [of the series], [director] DEB, me and all else... I think we or they created a great storyline. I think the people It will like it. "_

Short comment on the comeback of Anakin Skywalker

For some time we already know that actor Hayden Christensen will return to his role as Anakin Skywalker . Again, Ewan McGregor talked about Forbes shortly: _ "I think it's no secret that Hayden Christensen is back and we've turned some scenes as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker - and it was Just so fantastic to work with him again. "_

Start appointment by Obi-Wan Kenobi falls on a significant anniversary

Although Lucasfilm and Disney miss the start of Obi-Wan Kenobi on 25. May 2022 The famous Star Wars Day , who annually on 4. May takes place, but instead, this time there is a very different anniversary to celebrate. On the day of the series start, it is exactly 45 years that Star Wars with episode 4 has come in appearance for the first time. In Germany, war of the stars was published in February 1978 .

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