Hitman 3: Roadmap reveals content for March 2022

What players from Hitman 3 can expect in March, which has developed developers IO Interactive today in a roadmap.

In the current month, three new contracts are available in ELUSIVE TARGET Arcade mode, which are already playable today.

At the same time, some changes to the Arcade Contracts were made. Most come into force today, others are being implemented soon.

It is about:

Changes to Arcade-Represent Contracts Tenes (March 3rd)

  • We will reintroduce the missionary letter for each mission within an Arcade Contract.
  • There will be a single complication that stays in each Arcade Contract.
  • We have the following complications from The DEITEt away: "Hiding all corpses" and "Camera Countdown". The only remaining complication is "a pacification".
  • We have the following complications from the codes: "A cladding change" and "only head shots". The only remaining complication is "no civilian victims".
  • We have the following complications from the "Ellipses": "No Ballistics" and "Camera Countdown". The only remaining complication is "hiding all the corpses".
  • We have decided to maintain the complication "Hiding all corpses" in The Ellipses in order to maintain the first complication of each contract and avoid problems with the rankings. It will no longer occur in future Arcade Contracts.

HITMAN 3 Update | March 2022 Roadmap Including Elusive Target Arcade Changes

Upcoming changes to Arcade Contracts (Soon)

  • All ET-Arcade Contracts will contain 3 destinations per arcade contracts.
  • We will avoid complications that are considered creatively restrictive or lead to immediate failure, this includes the complication "Hide all bodies".
  • We will examine whether all ET-Arcade complications are optional. If no unexpected problems occur, we will probably implement this additional change with the next patch.

On the 11th of March then "The Collector" (year 2) follows as Elusive Target. The developer gives you ten days to complete the contract.

Thereafter, on March 17, the support for the patient Zero Contracts mode follows, in which the developer looks back on the first Hitman and adds the revised "the author" (Sapienza) and "Patient Zero" (Hokkaido). Fits Featured Contracts will be available on the same day.

With three other contracts from Elusive Target Arcade, the roadmap ends in Hitman 3 on March 24th.

Here you can take a look at the roadmap again. Further details on the individual events you also receive on the official site.
