Platinumgames CEO talks about Babylon’s Fall failure

Last month it was confirmed that Babylon’s Fall had been a resounding failure, and the game will close its servers in February 2023, less than a year after its first anniversary. Given this information, At sushi India, CEO of Platinum games, has finally issued a statement where he talks about this project, and confirmed that his plans for more games as a service will not be affected.

In a talk with VGC, India said that he could not talk about this issue at the time, since the contracts prevented him. However, now he is free to express his opinion and, first, he has apologized for the failure of babylon's Fall:

The only thing we can comment here in terms of the closure of the Babylon’s Fall service itself is that this unfortunate conclusion could have been something that caused a certain disappointment, perhaps even anger, for our fans and dedicated players.


And any disappointment that we can have caused to our fans base is something we regret, the fact that we made our fans feel like developers. Providing any other feeling other than enjoyment and fun in our creations to players is something that does not make us very happy as developers.

However, The resounding failure of this game has not stopped Platinum games plans to create more games as a service in the future . For India, this was more a lesson, and not so much a warning:

We learned a lot about this experience, and our future plans has not changed or our perspective to move forward with respect to live service games at all. Live service games are definitely something we want to make and put our effort to move forward.

There are two pillars, so to speak, that we can observe internally for our development teams, which are the people within the same company. The first is simply the pure fun of the central mechanics of the game that you have in the live service game and, secondly, perform the live service itself.

At the moment it is unknown what will be the next game as a Platinum games service. However, considering that the experiences of a single player are the most acclaimed and expected of this study, as we have been seeing with near: automata and bayonet ta 3 in recent days, many expect this not to be a path that the company is going to travel.

In related issues, here you can check our near gameplay: automata on switch. Similarly, the original voice of bayonet ta 3 will not return to the new installment.
