The best way to unlock skins in Overwatch 2 is. Playing World of Warcraft

The beginnings of every online game are always complicated and Blizzard's roads, inscrutable . The Overwatch 2 community is that it goes up the walls because of the play skins and the disproportionate amount of time that must be investigated to unlock them. Ever dale h revealed, a Reddit user, the nonsense is such that it is even more advisable. A palliatives that we are not able to understand and believe even if they explain it to us.

According to Ever dale, The only way to get coins in 2 Overwatch without investing real money is to complete the weekly challenges. Now, doing them all would only get 60 coins a week, which is equivalent to 0.60 cents in real life. Taking into account that the play skins cost 1000 coins / 10 euros each, we would need 17 weeks to unlock anything , and that if we are not talking about legendary skins, which amount to 1900 coins, 19 euros... or 32 weeks. Pick and shovel. Blizzard postulates the worst time / reward system in history .

The unfair Overwatch 2 system with skins

Following the economy cls, a World of Warcraft token can be exchanged for 30 euros for the game or for 15 euros for our account . Currently, to get this token we need to invest 230,000 coins that we have achieved in Wow (although the figure is changing, here you can see its fluctuation and feel you authentic broker). And how much does that amount of gold have to get? That is the Kit of the matter .


Farmer, Boosting... There are dozens of techniques, but experts estimate that a user already formed in the MMO and with sufficient level characters could get 15,000 coins a day, obtained Skins of Overwatch 2 every two weeks (15 (15 less than if it appropriate). To someone who started with the most recent expansion, Shadow lands, could take him around ten weeks . It is still an absurd and unfair amount of time, but again, it is fter than within Overwatch itself, exposing the way of the Blizzard system that h the fly behind the ear to all its fans.

The cake is discovered, it remains to be seen if the company sings the MEA guilt and corrects the situation.
